Are you ready to get someone on your side?
Are you having serious issues at work that you don’t know how to handle? Do you need to know your rights?
Your workplace shouldn’t be a battlefield.
Have you been discriminated against, subject to a hostile work environment, harassed, retaliated against, denied proper pay or wages, or wrongfully terminated? Have you had trouble with disability accommodations or family leave issues? – Are you an employee having trouble at work? Come talk to me. I’m Aubrie Hicks and I focus on employment law. I will help you understand your rights and the best course of action.

Work Experience and Life Experience put me on your side.
I can empathize and understand – and I’ve seen the law from both plaintiff’s side and defense, so I know what is needed to stand up for you.

I work for you, to handle your questions or concerns about employment.
That doesn’t necessarily mean filing a lawsuit – the sooner you find out your options, the more possibilities there are for remedies. I’ll be honest with you and lay all the cards on the table, so you know where you stand.